Saturday 15 June 2013


Looking for something to paint my, not too fresh anymore, birthday flowers appealed to me. A small painting on a piece of cardboard.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


A small oil painting on sketch paper I did today. It was the first of four in a row! So it was quite a productive day.

With this one I took reference from felixdeon's nude stock on Deviantart -->

Saturday 1 June 2013

That painting of Freedom

Recently I recorded a tv-show in where they explained Eugène Delacroix's painting 'La liberte guidant le peuple'. It was really interesting, especially about how some of the death bodies in the painting were copied from an other painting. I'm always surprised at hearing how much the old masters copied eachother! I guess it's quite logical since they didn't have the endless stock resources like we have today on the net or a digital camera!

I was quite lucky to have an art book about classical romantic paintings, and not only did it have a picture of the 'liberte' it also had an enlarged detail of the painting. Score! I used that as reference to copy the profile of the woman in the painting.

And I'm quite happy with the result! It took 2 sessions to paint it. The colours turned out real nice, I tried following the palette of the old painting but drifted away from it in the second layer. Though it's the brush strokes and the texture which are the best bit for me.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Drawing after Model

Results of yesterdays nude model drawing class. I'm quite happy with these two sheets, especially the first one! I've always liked how loose, elegant lines can sum up a human anatomy.

Monday 27 May 2013

The study that went wrong

Today was one of those days when I really wanted to paint but it felt like everything was working against me. I even found this huge spider in my paint box! It was as if I wasn't suppose to paint today but I did... and I came up with this study of a Michelangelo fresco.

I'm  liking the thickness of the paint, the colours are okay but I do think you can tell  my heart wasn't in it. It just lacks that bit of liveliness, the lines are weak and so is the figure, it just sorta hangs there in blobs of paint, probably because I wasn't as concentrated as usual.

But at least I got to paint today!!

Saturday 9 February 2013

The bat girl

Oil on 20x20 Canvasboard.

I was looking through this old book with all sorts of animal species and the bat caught my eye. The wings looked so tempting to paint! Combined it with a face and it was certainly interesting to work on.

Friday 8 February 2013


Oil on 20x20 Canvasboard.

A one session painting of BBC's Sherlock. Painted quickly and thickly! Despite the wrong anatomy I feel there's a sort of charm about it. A fun relaxing little painting.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Small oil painting on 18x24 Canvasboard.

Reference taken from Mizzd-stock on Deviantart here.

Tuesday 5 February 2013


The second painting in my Dad's shop. Again painted up on a door. My personal favourite from the two. Her skin turned out really interesting, since I took the paint away there it left this thin film upon the white door which made it look like a marble surface.

Friday 25 January 2013


One of two large paintings I did for my dad's egyptian themed gift shop. It's painted up on a door in the store. I wanted it to look old and weathered.

It was quite an adventure painting that big! I remember being scared of messing it up and ruining my dad's shop, but once I got into it was very enjoyable, especially with using the white spirit to make it look old.

Thursday 24 January 2013

The two of us

Oil on Cotton Canvaspad.

Two sibling cats who always like to sit on the same chair, when the other won't leave they'll just sit their stuck to eachother. They always make for the most adorable little scenes.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

The Lying Girl

Well here goes my first post!

Oilpaint on Canvasboard (18 x 24 cm)

I found the inspiration for this small painting in a fashion magazine. There was this adorable girl, looking so , so, sweet I felt like I was being told a lie.

Painted this rather quick with thick layers of paint. Which was a fun way to paint!