Saturday 9 February 2013

The bat girl

Oil on 20x20 Canvasboard.

I was looking through this old book with all sorts of animal species and the bat caught my eye. The wings looked so tempting to paint! Combined it with a face and it was certainly interesting to work on.

Friday 8 February 2013


Oil on 20x20 Canvasboard.

A one session painting of BBC's Sherlock. Painted quickly and thickly! Despite the wrong anatomy I feel there's a sort of charm about it. A fun relaxing little painting.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Small oil painting on 18x24 Canvasboard.

Reference taken from Mizzd-stock on Deviantart here.

Tuesday 5 February 2013


The second painting in my Dad's shop. Again painted up on a door. My personal favourite from the two. Her skin turned out really interesting, since I took the paint away there it left this thin film upon the white door which made it look like a marble surface.